During the whole year, Galo da Madrugada carries out actions to support the residents, such as lectures, events on festive dates (Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Children’s Day, Christmas, etc.), besides generating income in their shows, etc..
Adding its beliefs in a plan, the Clube das Máscaras o Galo da Madrugada created a strategic plan called “Galo – Joy the Whole Year”, which in addition to promoting festivities of appreciation to the culture of Pernambuco, is supported by four vectors. They are:
1 – TIME Vector – permanent action throughout the year and not only in carnival;
2 – CULTURE Vector – to develop cultural activities to promote singers, musicians, dances, painters, plastic artists, etc.
3 – GEOGRAPHIC Vector – to promote cultural exchange between the Galo da Madrugada and other cities in Pernambuco, other states in Brazil and also other countries. Encourage cultural exchange between artists from other cities and states, to participate in the propagation of the activities of the Galo, as well as our manifestations;
4 – SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Vector – to make partnership with the needy communities of the neighborhoods of São José, Coque, Ilha Joana Bezerra, Cabanga, Coelho and Pilar, in order to offer workshops of music, dances, scenographies, making of costumes and carnival props.
Institutional objectives
Mission – To contribute to the diffusion and strengthening of Frevo and other popular cultural manifestations in Pernambuco. To develop socio-environmental responsibility, supporting needy communities and preserving the environment.
Vision of the future – To be the biggest promoter of culture in Pernambuco.
Values – The Clube das Máscaras Galo da Madrugada values are ethics, simplicity, creativity, enthusiasm, quality, commitment, team spirit, diversity, tourist focus and socio-environmental responsibility.
Social Responsibility
The regular activities of Galo da Madrugada always aim to contemplate the surrounding communities in their projects, not only with donations, but also with job and income generation. For example, in the Pinto da Madrugada parade, which in addition to generating opportunities to supplement income and temporary employment, also collects milk powder for donation. Or, as in Forrozão do Galo itself, inclusive actions are carried out in the communities, registering and establishing partnerships with recycling groups, providing tents for the sale of food and subsidizing beverages at a lower cost.
The Galo da Madrugada was born in the neighborhood of São José and embraces the history of the neighborhood with great affection and respect. Motivated to keep the region always attractive and organized, the association adopted the Praça Sérgio Loreto, located in front of the headquarters, in 2009 and since then has ensured its daily maintenance.
Besides being a shelter for several species of tree, the square also has a central lake, where fish attract migratory birds, such as herons.
The space also houses, in its bandstand, two sculptures in honor of the largest bloco in the world: one of the Galo and another of the founder and president emeritus Enéas Freire. Both were made by artist Abelardo da Hora.
Seeking possibilities to serve the most diverse audiences, since 2017 Forrozão do Galo has promoted within its program a day dedicated to accessibility. The event offers a guided tour of its cultural hubs, with audiodescription and libras.
Socializing and encouraging reading
Every semester, the Galo da Madrugada holds an edition of the VIVA A PRAÇA project, at Sérgio Loreto Square, with free recreational activities, snacks and a book exchange fair. The activity foresees the socialization and the incentive to the population to experience the public spaces provided by the city and also learn to take care of the cleaning and maintenance of them.
Pink October
As part of the international breast cancer awareness campaign, the Pink October, Galo da Madrugada promotes free lectures to alert women from communities near the headquarters on how to perform self-examination and disease prevention.
Commemorative Actions
Also reiterating its commitment to local residents, Galo da Madrugada holds events throughout the year with social counterparts celebrating special dates.
Among the commemorative actions are the donation of Easter products. Donation of gifts on Children’s Day, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Also, at Christmas, products are donated to increase the families’ supper, in addition to a free fraternization, with Christmas gifts for the children and guaranteed food and drink for all.
Job creation
Parade of the Galo – 4,700 direct and 30,000 indirect.
Forrozão do Galo –
Pinto da Madrugada –