Born in the city of Recife, son of Enéas Freire and Carminha Freire, since 1995 the singer Gustavo Travasso comes in the first trio elétrico of the largest bloco and therefore is considered the Official Singer of Galo da Madrugada.
Singer and composer, Gustavo began his career at the age of 17. And it was at that age that he won first place with the song “Amarras” at the Transamérica Radio Festival, receiving the award for Best Interpreter.
In 1998, he went to Rio de Janeiro, where he spent five years of his career doing shows. Also at that time, he toured several cities around the world, such as Caracas (Venezuela), Bogotá (Colombia), Lima (Peru) and Singapore, carrying in his bag a show of Brazilian music of the highest quality. Still, in this period, he participated in the last CD of the singer Elizeth Cardoso, “Ary Amoroso”.
Leading Galo da Madrugada’s opening trio elétrico, Gustavo has already received several personalities of the Pernambuco carnival, such as Lenine, Geraldo Azevedo and Fafá de Belém, who accompanied him in the last years’ parades.
To honor Frevo’s 100 years, Gustavo released the CD “Canto Folião”, an album that was highly praised by critics.
As cultural director of Galo da Madrugada, Gustavo Travassos helped implement the “Quinta no Galo” project, which has brought the energy of Pernambuco’s carnival rhythm to the participants, through an event full of attractions and, of course, a lot of frevo.